Land Software Engineering Jobs From Accredited Employers & Migrate To New Zealand Smoothly.

Zuricka A Minimalist Entrepreneur with arms outstretched stands in front of a lush green hedge. they are smiling and wearing a beige sweater and gray pants. the text overlay reads "hi i'm zuricka".

You've made the big call

Leaving your home country to find a place where you and your family can settle down, relax, and build a new life. It's more than just a job search; it's a chance to rewrite your story.

You've seen the movies and heard the stories - breathtaking scenery, epic work-life balance, a safe haven for you and your family.

Even though you may have a high-paying position back home, there's a pull towards building a new life in this incredible place.

Now Picture This

Your family & friends who moved to New Zealand are raving about it. 

They talk about IT being on the migration shortage list.

They share different options on how to acquire a work visa.

Suddenly, migrating to New Zealand sounds pretty appealing.

So, armed with your skills and a suitcase full of dreams, as a family you decide to give it a shot!

You invest time and money:

  • taking the IELTS test, 
  • coming to New Zealand on a job search visa
  • booking appointments with immigration agents, 
  • hopping on a plane and coming here on a visitor visa,
  • exploring visas (student, work search, visitor, you even pay student fees for one of you so you can get in!)

    Every avenue seems promising, and you jump right in..

Fueled by excitement, you dedicate time daily, applying to every software engineering job across LinkedIn, Seek, Indeed, and local boards. You're taking action.

But then Reality hits you like a cold shower.
Landing an interview feels like winning the lottery, let alone getting a job offer.

Weeks turn into months and your inbox overflows with automated rejections.
The silence is even worse.
You might even reach the final round, only to hear they found someone who's a "closer match."

Suddenly, that dream job with an accredited employer to secure residency feels miles away.

How I Can Enable You

Zuricka A Minimalist Entrepreneur with short hair smiles gently, wearing a white star-patterned top and a colorful striped scarf, posed by a window in New Zealand with natural light.

Hi I'm Zuricka

As a technical recruiter, my approach is laser-focused on one thing: getting you ready to find, a job with an accredited employer to kickstart your residency dream.

Since 2016, I've seen countless engineers face the migration maze (trust me, it's frustrating!). I get it – I've been there myself, navigating the process with my family.

That's why I've helped over 150 software engineers like you land their dream jobs and achieve residency. Let's cut through the noise and get you there too.

Here Is My Challenge

Helping over 150 engineers has been awesome! They're so excited about their new lives in New Zealand that they can't wait to tell everyone they know.

Each day, I receive at least 100 messages, and this is no exaggeration. My LinkedIn and email inbox is flooded with connection requests and Inmail messages.

Here's the thing:

While I'd love to chat with everyone myself, there just aren't enough hours in the day. My aim when starting StraightUp was to help software engineer families avoid the stress of navigating the migration process.

So, how can I help?
Landing a job with an accredited employer and navigating the move to New Zealand is like a game - there are rules, and you gotta know how to play to win.

That's why I created this FREE Masterclass: "What It Takes To Find An Accredited NZ Employer & Migrate Smoothly."

What's Discussed In The Free Masterclass:

  • Together we will cover the essential things to consider before applying for jobs in New Zealand.
    Most engineers miss this crucial step, delaying their migration journey.

  • On top of that, you'll learn the mindset and thinking process of accredited employers:
    Learn how accredited employers make decisions on when to sponsor and standby a software engineer who needs a work visa.

  • From there, we will break down how to stand out from the crowd:
    I’ll break down what employers truly value in software engineers and show you how to showcase your skills effectively.

  • Next, we'll unlock the structure of interviews:
    Discover the common pitfalls that can derail your chances.

  • Then, I shall walk you through pre migration tasks that most software engineers overlook:
    This can easily double your chances of how you plan your journey to move to new zealand.

  • And finally, I shall uncover the "ugly side" of the interview process:
    so you can avoid wasting time and emotional energy.

By the end of this Masterclass, you'll have a clear roadmap to create a winning strategy to find a job with an accredited employer.

If this is something that would help you, then let’s get to it.

Please block 35 mins with no interruptions so you get to a solution for your job hunt journey in New Zealand

To your success.

StraightUp A Tech Recruitment Firm Logo Based in New Zealand Focusing on Software engineering recruitment enabling software engineers to migrate to New Zealand by finding them jobs with accredited NZ employers

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hello [@] straightup [dot] net [dot] nz

Located in the waikato region, New Zealand

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