Your Gateway To The New Zealand Tech Scene

Zuricka A Minimalist Entrepreneur short hair smiling at the camera, kneeling next to a carved wooden post with a face, under a sunny sky with a palm tree in the background. she wears sunglasses and a scarf, holding a water bottle.

Hi, I'm Zuricka

The world has shifted to micro second attention, don't let your skills be overlooked!

I coach mid to senior software engineers with the skills and confidence to get noticed by top recruiters, talent sourcers, and leading employers in New Zealand.

I'll show you how to craft a compelling story that makes you stand out from the crowd!

Land a high-paying job and craft a career you love!
Let me help you STAND OUT

Benefits of working with StraightUp

Craft a Compelling CV - Don't Blend In, Stand Out!

Ditch the boring technical resume formats. Learn to write a compelling CV that showcases your unique skills and experiences through powerful storytelling techniques.

Why Take This Approach

-- Connects with employers on an emotional level not just logic

-- Makes you stand out in a good way, just like trailers of a good movie.

- Allows you to showcase your achievements and results framed as the hero in a tech movie.

This approach goes beyond a list of tech stacks and a laundry of tasks, making you a more memorable candidate.

Master the Interview: Forget the Script, Wow the Room

Gone are the days of basic Q&A. With tech events booming, influencers shaping trends, and GitHub profiles becoming a portfolio, employers expect more. My team and I will show you how to showcase your contributions beyond the code.

Why Is This Important

-- Weave your achievements, projects, and tech knowledge into a captivating story demonstrating your unique value. 

-- Turn GitHub into your digital trophy cabinet.
-- Master the art of tackling curveball questions and showcasing your problem-solving skills.
-- Walk in at every interview with unshakeable confidence that leaves a lasting impression.

Get Known In The Marketplace - Go Beyond the Application.

The modern job search is about relationships. Learn strategies on how to connect with key decision-makers in a genuine, non-intrusive way. You learn how to confidently advocate for your worth and secure the salary package you deserve without sounding salesy.

Reprogram Your Mindset And Own Your Career

The world of tech has undergone a shift. Today, success isn't solely measured by the latest certifications or having the most skills.

Have you not seen – someone with less technical expertise is commanding more than engineers with impressive qualifications and coding skills?

Why? They've cracked the code.

It's all about mindset and identity.

Our coaching program equips you with the tools

-- to reprogram your subconscious mind
-- craft a powerful new identity

Break free from just coding - design a career you're passionate about!

Change for the better.

I asked my clients, “What has improved since working with me and my team?” Here’s just some of what they said:

Ryan S - Head of Technology

First Class Service

"After a very long time our team has some of the best skilled engineers. Being a small team and competing with more prominent players, attracting talent has always been a mission. Zuricka helped us find our Lead C# Engineer and DevOps Engineer when we needed help. She walks with you and recommends engineers who would fit with the ethos we are building” 

Mia D. - Software Development Manager

Highly Recommend

While our in-house HR excels in handling junior to mid-level engineering roles, collaborating with Zuricka becomes invaluable for sourcing niche talent with unique skill sets. She has an eye for picking talent. She recently helped us find our senior engineer from Argentina who was moving to New Zealand. He has successfully helped us upgrade from Python to Go, enhancing our team's capabilities. 

Aria C. - Director of Software Development

Beyond Our Expectation

We were introduced to Zuricka through her attempt to contact us through a cold outreach campaign. We were already involved with a significant recruitment firm. She managed to secure an engineer returning from Dubai to NZ in the Ruby on Rails space. Despite our ongoing collaboration with the larger recruitment entity over the past six months and their ample resources, they failed to deliver results. 

[An Open Letter]

You live and breathe technology, and I am confident it's not merely writing lines of code that you enjoy. Instead, it's crafting applications and products to improve lives.

For years, I've witnessed the incredible opportunities in New Zealand's tech sector, both for companies seeking top talent and for skilled software engineers aiming to move and live in New Zealand for a lifestyle change.

But sometimes, our New Zealand tech sector struggles to find the right ltalent for specialised software engineering jobs while software engineers face hurdles to market their skillset the right way.

That's where I come in! My mission is to bridge this gap and create a win-win situation for both sides.

Together, let's create a thriving tech ecosystem in New Zealand!

When It All Began

I founded StraightUp in 2016 with a mission to empower exceptionally skilled software engineers who are often overlooked to find work with thriving NZ software teams.

Bringing positive energy to the hiring process, I create an atmosphere that promotes collaboration and innovation. It's not just about finding a job; it's about catalyzing growth and success.

Whether you're a software engineer aiming to move to New Zealand or seeking your next career break, let's connect and co-create a future where work is not just a job but a vibrant, fulfilling experience.

If you are curious you could read my backstory.

StraightUp A Tech Recruitment Firm Logo Based in New Zealand Focusing on Software engineering recruitment enabling software engineers to migrate to New Zealand by finding them jobs with accredited NZ employers

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Get in touch

hello [@] straightup [dot] net [dot] nz

Located in the waikato region, New Zealand

©2024 StraightUp, All right reserved.